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“Unique, Creative & Disruptive”
“Top Pick UK/US Firm”

A premier, futuristic content & luxury marketing agency in fashion, beauty, travel and media/entertainment industries. We create jaw dropping content, build brand partnerships, advise brands and creators on brand development, business, digital marketing, PR, new market entry & sales.  As a foreward-thinking future of content house called by many as “Unique & Disruptive”, we have been years ahead of the industry, already explored future of fashion/retail concepts and insightfully predicted the 2020 virtual disruption to happen back in 2015.

House of Chanelle set bars high in building a futuristic agency with top clienteles. We have proven track records in raising bars, going beyond clients’ expectations with breakthrough content designs and have been recommended by industry leaders for our reputation, quality of service, professionalism, qualifications and experience. With our aforementioned distinctive capabilities and strategy, we can help brands gain competitive edge and innovative growth through futuristic innovations and superb content. We also have excellent resources and connections across various industries all over the world. 

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With our unique mix of content programs, we create visually striking brand content and entertainment, tell unusual stories that elevate brands like never before and serve the purposes of brand image, engagement, marketing, growth and entertainment. Our insightful content strategy will disrupt and place you ahead of the competition.

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International PR for raising brand awareness and media coverage in global new markets. Press coverage and influencer marketing. Develop innovative PR, brand and marketing strategies. Event and charity gala organization.

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Gain edge, strategic advantage and diverse perspective for luxury brands in the highly competitive industry. Use our mix of brand marketing and in house growth strategy services to achieve viral growth for your brand, through evolving business models and innovations, market research and new market entry strategy, global team and network.

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We are regularly approached by brand executives, founders and creators for business, brand, marketing and growth strategies. Check our Brand X and Creator X page for details on our training, advisor and limited time offering of one on one mentorship programs.

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Create campaigns around artistic productions, talents, products & brands. Develop marketing materials to co-promote entertainment producers, brands and talents. Reach consumers through product placement, red carpet dressing, endorsement and product seeding, brand integration, co-promotion and licensing.

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Futuristic and forward thinking. Through our various futuristic and innovative programs and content to build and manage brand awareness, engagement, reputation and loyalty; grow retail and virtual sales. Deploy the latest trends and technology in luxury and fashion for brands that maximizes brand impact and sales from futuristic shopping experience, innovative store concepts, social commerce to AI, VR/AR etc.

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For Brands

With entertainment in our DNA, we tell irresistible, unique stories, and have created some of the most successful content programs for companies. As an innovative disruptor and strategist with deeper-than-usual insights deriven capability, we have already been years ahead of the industry when it comes to digital innovations and future of retail, We can therefore help leading luxury brands gain unique edge and advantage in the highly competitive industry. Companies regularly approaches us to advise them on brand, content and PR strategies. 

House of Chanelle have provided innovative brand solutions to LVMH (Fendi, Marc Jacobs), Kering (Bottega Veneta), Versace, Valentino, Richemont (Chloé), Salvatore Ferragamo, Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin and many others.

We are offering business advice, strategies for brand executives in brand strategy & development, growth, PR and new market entry, content and influencer marketing, digital marketing and sales etc. You can sign up for sessions here. For all the services and more in-depth training programs, check out our Luxe Brand Boardroom programs:

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For Creators

We help guide creators build their brand empire. For a limited time only, we are offering one on one mentorship that guides creators in business advice, brand development and marketing, PR, content, digital marketing and sales. You can sign up for sessions here. If you are looking to launch and grow your brands, you can also check out our Brand X programs.

Our Influencer Mansion Program offers more in-depth insider guidance, strategy and coaching to help you build a successful content career & brand. The program is by selection only and you can send in your application here:

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